
This is a Remote Control - Simple for XXXQFrequencyName. To run this device please connect it to your mains power supply. To add this device to your network execute the following action:
When prompted by your primary controller (gateway), click once on the L button.

Important safety information

Please read this manual carefully. Failure to follow the recommendations in this manual may be dangerous or may violate the law. The manufacturer, importer, distributor and seller shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from failure to comply with the instructions in this manual or any other material. Use this equipment only for its intended purpose. Follow the disposal instructions. Do not dispose of electronic equipment or batteries in a fire or near open heat sources.
Attention: This manual is automatically generated from Z-Wave Alliance Product data and may be incomplete. Please refer to the Manufacturers Manual for more information.

Product Description

The ZRC-90 Scene Master is a Z-Wave Central Scene Controller. When one of the buttons on the ZRC-90 is pushed, your Z-Wave central controller will receive a signal which it can use to trigger unlimited control possibilities.With 8 buttons, each supporting a long-press capability, you can control 16 different actions in your central controller.The ZRC-90 is a great solution for triggering events more quickly than taking out your smart-phone and running a home control app.The Scene Master is ideal for kids, elderlies and guests who may not have full access to your smart homes mobile application and hence may not have the rights to switch on various lighting, heating, air conditioning and other home appliance.With a convenient snap-in wall mount, the ZRC-90 can also be removed to keep it handy while you go about your home for the ultimate in simple convenience.

Reset to factory default Press and keep holding R button not less than 10 seconds.Release R button then triple click on R button within 2 seconds.
Inclusion When prompted by your primary controller (gateway), click once on the L button.
Exclusion When prompted by your primary controller (gateway), click once on the L button.
Wakeup Enter to the Listening mode (Wake up) by click once on W button.
Protection XXXProtection
FirmwareUpdate XXXFirmwareUpdate
SetAssociation XXXSetAssociation

Association Groups:

Group Number Maximum Nodes Description
1 1 Z-Wave Plus Lifeline:Association Group-1 will be a default status report channel in ZWave+ lifeline requirement. Only one node can be assigned tothis association group.

Special Operations as Z-Wave Controller

As long as this device is not included into a Z-Wave network of a different controller it is able to manage its own Z-Wave network as primary controller. As a primary controller the device can include and exclude other devices in its own network, manage associations, and reorganize the network in case of problems. The following controller functions are supported:

Inclusion of other devices

Communication between two Z-Wave devices only works if both belong to the same wireless network. Joining a network is called inclusion and is initiated by a controller. The controller needs to be turned into the inclusion mode. Once in this inclusion mode the other device needs to confirm the inclusion - typically by pressing a button.

If current primary controller in your network is in special SIS mode this and any other secondary controller can also include and exclude devices.

To become primary a contoller have to be resetted and then include a device.

Press L+R buttons simultaneously until LED light up to add the device into ZRC-90 Z-Wave network.

Exclusion of other devices

The primary controller can exclude devices from the Z-Wave network. During exclusion the relationship between the device and the network of this controller is terminated. No communication between the device and other devices still in the network can happen after a successful exclusion. The controller needs to be turned into the exclusion mode. Once in this exclusion mode the other device needs to confirm the exclusion - typically by pressing a button.

Attention: Removing a device from the network means that it is turned back into factory default status. This process can also exclude devices from it's previous network.

Click once on the R button to remove the device from ZRC-90 Z-Wave network.

Technical Data

Hardware Platform ZM5202
Device Type Remote Control - Simple
Network Operation Portable Controller
Firmware Version 03
Z-Wave Version 6.51.06
Certification ID ZC10-15120001
Z-Wave Product Id 0x5254.0x0001.0x8510
Frequency XXfrequency
Maximum transmission power XXantenna
CEPT (Europe)Remote Control - Simple