This is a
Z-Wave is the international wireless protocol for communication in the Smart Home. This device is suited for use in the region mentioned in the Quickstart section.
Z-Wave ensures a reliable communication by reconfirming every message (two-way communication) and every mains powered node can act as a repeater for other nodes (meshed network) in case the receiver is not in direct wireless range of the transmitter.
This device and every other certified Z-Wave device can be used together with any other certified Z-Wave device regardless of brand and origin as long as both are suited for the same frequency range.
If a device supports secure communication it will communicate with other devices secure as long as this device provides the same or a higher level of security. Otherwise it will automatically turn into a lower level of security to maintain backward compatibility.
For more information about Z-Wave technology, devices, white papers etc. please refer to
Master Dimmer iO is ready to operate with Z-Wave controllers and configured to be managed by Simon100 iO APP using the HUB plug iO for getting a better user experience. allowing the control of other Z-Wave devices via Basic Set/Get commands.Available colors Black and White.
Please read the user manual before installing the product.
In order to include (add) a Z-Wave device to a network it must be in factory default state. Please make sure to reset the device into factory default. You can do this by performing an Exclusion operation as described below in the manual. Every Z-Wave controller is able to perform this operation however it is recommended to use the primary controller of the previous network to make sure the very device is excluded properly from this network.
ATTENTION: only authorized technicians under consideration of the country-specific installation guidelines/norms may do works with mains power. Prior to the assembly of the product, the voltage network has to be switched off and ensured against re-switching.
On factory default the device does not belong to any Z-Wave network. The device needs to be added to an existing wireless network to communicate with the devices of this network. This process is called Inclusion.
Devices can also be removed from a network. This process is called Exclusion. Both processes are initiated by the primary controller of the Z-Wave network. This controller is turned into exclusion respective inclusion mode. Inclusion and Exclusion is then performed doing a special manual action right on the device.
Here are a few hints for network installation if things dont work as expected.
Z-Wave devices control other Z-Wave devices. The relationship between one device controlling another device is called association. In order to control a different device, the controlling device needs to maintain a list of devices that will receive controlling commands. These lists are called association groups and they are always related to certain events (e.g. button pressed, sensor triggers, ...). In case the event happens all devices stored in the respective association group will receive the same wireless command wireless command, typically a 'Basic Set' Command.
Group Number | Maximum Nodes | Description |
1 | 3 | Z-Wave Plus LifelineAfter reset the Z-Wave module, a DEVICE-RESET-LOCALLY-NOTIFICATION is sent.Pressing without having nodes associated with the control group is notified by a CENTRAL_SCENE_NOTIFICATION |
2 | 20 | CtrlDuring Association process or then Association Set is receivedCC Manufacturer Specific, Manufacturer Specific Get: (to discover manufacturer)CC Association, Association Set: (review param 28 to know more about this command use).CC Association, Association Remove: (review param 28 to know more about this command use).CC Configuration, Configuration Set Param 1, 0xFF -> when association process is started this Configuration Set will be sent to all Simon devices in group to identify devices involved in this group.CC Configuration, Configuration Set Param 1, 0x00 -> when association process is finished this Configuration Set will be sent to all Simon devices in group to identify devices involved in this group.CC Configuration, Configuration Set Param 1, 0xFF ->Sent when a new device is associated thought association process and this device is a Simon device.CC Configuration, Configuration Set Param 1, 0x00 -> Sent when a device is disassociated thought association process and this device is a Simon device.When Touch area is detected o key is pressed without touch area detection:CC Configuration, Configuration Get, Param 21 -> Sent if param 28 value is 0x00, there is only 1 device is associated and it is a Simon device. Used to know the associated device state.CC Basic, Basic Get -> Sent if param 28 value is 0x00, there is only 1 device is associated and it is not a Simon device. Used to know the associated device state.When pressed and later than knowing the controlled devices state:COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC_SETIt is sent to the associated nodes after a push to change its state:Value: 0xFF to enable / 0x00 to disableIt is relayed to the associated nodes when Z-Wave receives a BASIC_SET.COMMAND_CLASS_MULTILEVEL_SETIt is sent to the associated nodes after a push to change its state:It is relayed to the associated nodes upon receipt by Z-Wave. |
Z-Wave products are supposed to work out of the box after inclusion, however certain configuration can adapt the function better to user needs or unlock further enhanced features.
IMPORTANT: Controllers may only allow configuring signed values. In order to set values in the range 128 ... 255 the value sent in the application shall be the desired value minus 256. For example: To set a parameter to 200 it may be needed to set a value of 200 minus 256 = minus 56. In case of a two byte value the same logic applies: Values greater than 32768 may needed to be given as negative values too.
Allows to turn ON or OFF the central LED Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | Turns the LED OFF |
255 | Turns the LED ON |
Sets the central led ilumination when the key is in repose state Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | LED OFF |
255 | LED on at 20 percent of maximum level |
Locks or Unlocks the direct control of the load Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | Unlock the direct control of load |
255 | Lock the direct control of load |
Resets groups, Z-Wave status, and some or all configurations depending on the configuration value (write only) Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
17170 | Parameters, except Lock long press are restored to default |
39015 | Parameters, Groups, and Z-Wave status are restored to default value. |
Locks or unlocks the manual association Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | Unblocked |
255 | Blocked |
Controls the behavior of the product when the key is pressed Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | When short press, switches between the last power on and off (depending on the status of the associated control) by sending a Basic Set to 0x00 or 0xFF to the associated nodes. The Slider does not work. |
1 | When short press, always activates those associated with the last power on by sending a Basic Set to 0xFF |
2 | When short press, always deactivates associates by sending a Basic Set to 0x00 |
4 | When short press, always activates the associated nodes by sending a Basic Set to 0xFFWhen hold press from 2 seconds to 10 seconds always turns off the associated nodes by sending a Basic Set to 0x00. Does not send Node Info nor does the central LED flash. |
5 | The described actions are performed for value 0, but sending the Multilevel Set |
Allows to identify a product using its central LED (write only) Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
255 | the central LED blinks for 5 seconds in order to identify the device |
Reports the actual state of the device Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
45056 | Load is OFF |
45057 | Load is ON |
45312 | Lighting percentage level associated node |
Locks or unlocks the long press on the key Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | Long press works as described previously |
255 | Long press from 2 seconds to 20 seconds does not send a Node info. With a long press above 30 seconds, all parameters except Lock long press are restored to default and device sends a Node Info. |
Controls if a state of an associated device or devices will be consulted when touch is detected Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | If there is 1 Associated device, when Touch is detected, controlled device state will be consulted |
255 | If there is 1 Associated device, when Touch is detected, controlled device state is not consulted. |
Enables or disables the Central Scene Command Class Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0
Setting | Description |
0 | Enables CC Central Scene Notification when there are no nodes associated with the control group and Inhibits error signaling by pressing less than 2 seconds if there are no associated nodes. |
255 | Enables error signaling by pressing less than 2 seconds if there are no associated nodes |
Hardware Platform | ZM5202 |
Device Type | Wall Controller |
Network Operation | Always On Slave |
Firmware Version | HW: 1 FW: 4.24:79.50 |
Z-Wave Version | 6.51.07 |
Certification ID | ZC10-20016841 |
Z-Wave Product Id | 0x0267.0x0008.0x0000 |
Z-Wave Scene Type | Central Scene |
Firmware Updatable | Updatable by Professional/Technician |
Neutral Wire Required | ok |
Frequency | XXfrequency |
Maximum transmission power | XXantenna |