
This is a secure Siren for XXXQFrequencyName. To run this device please connect it to your mains power supply. To add this device to your network execute the following action:
Keep pressing the button, and then power up the siren. The alarm will enter the factory test mode, in which allthe operations in this manual will be invalid to the siren and LED will keep flashing.This operation will be valid only when no backup batteries are installed or the backup batteries have no power.Exit from factory testing mode: Power off, and then power the siren on by un-pressing the button. And then itwill enter the normal working mode.

Important safety information

Please read this manual carefully. Failure to follow the recommendations in this manual may be dangerous or may violate the law. The manufacturer, importer, distributor and seller shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from failure to comply with the instructions in this manual or any other material. Use this equipment only for its intended purpose. Follow the disposal instructions. Do not dispose of electronic equipment or batteries in a fire or near open heat sources.
Attention: This manual is automatically generated from Z-Wave Alliance Product data and may be incomplete. Please refer to the Manufacturers Manual for more information.

Product Description

The Siren can be triggered to sound an alarm and flash its super-bright LEDs when some event occurs.To ensure you never miss important alerts from your smart home system and keep your smart home safe. It can plugs into your wall outlet directly, and there be 5 different alert tones for a range of specific events.

Reset to factory default a) Ensure that the siren is powered up correctly.b) Press the button and maintain this action for ten seconds, then release it after the LED light is on. Then the siren will erase all data and restore to the defaults.Note: This mode can also erase the network information of the siren and make the device exit from the Z-Wave. Please use this procedure only when the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.network that it has included.
Inclusion Keep pressing the button, and then power up the siren. The alarm will enter the factory test mode, in which allthe operations in this manual will be invalid to the siren and LED will keep flashing.This operation will be valid only when no backup batteries are installed or the backup batteries have no power.Exit from factory testing mode: Power off, and then power the siren on by un-pressing the button. And then itwill enter the normal working mode.
Exclusion Keep pressing the button, and then power up the siren. The alarm will enter the factory test mode, in which allthe operations in this manual will be invalid to the siren and LED will keep flashing.This operation will be valid only when no backup batteries are installed or the backup batteries have no power.Exit from factory testing mode: Power off, and then power the siren on by un-pressing the button. And then itwill enter the normal working mode.
Wakeup XXXWakeupDescription
Protection XXXProtection
FirmwareUpdate XXXFirmwareUpdate
SetAssociation XXXSetAssociation

Association Groups:

Group Number Maximum Nodes Description
2 5 This group is controlling group, when the voltage of backup battery is low, diren will send a BASIC_SET = 0xFF to the nodes associated in group 2, This group supporting command class lists as below:COMMAND_CLASS_BASICBASIC_SET
3 5 This group is for power managerment notification report. when the pwoer source is changed, siren will send a notification report to nodes associated in group 3. This group supporting command class lists as below:COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATIONNOTIFICATION_REPORT
4 5 This group is for Siren status report. When siren is actived or inactived, it will send a notification report to nodes associated in group This group supporting command class lists as below:COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATIONNOTIFICATION_REPORT
5 5 This group is forbinary switch status report. When siren is actived or inactived, it will send a binary switch report to nodes associated in group This group supporting command class lists as below:COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARYSWITCH_BINARY_REPORT

Special Operations as Z-Wave Controller

As long as this device is not included into a Z-Wave network of a different controller it is able to manage its own Z-Wave network as primary controller. As a primary controller the device can include and exclude other devices in its own network, manage associations, and reorganize the network in case of problems. The following controller functions are supported:

Inclusion of other devices

Communication between two Z-Wave devices only works if both belong to the same wireless network. Joining a network is called inclusion and is initiated by a controller. The controller needs to be turned into the inclusion mode. Once in this inclusion mode the other device needs to confirm the inclusion - typically by pressing a button.

If current primary controller in your network is in special SIS mode this and any other secondary controller can also include and exclude devices.

To become primary a contoller have to be resetted and then include a device.

a) Ensure that the siren is powered up correctly.b) Set Z-Wave Gateway entered inclusion mode.c) Press the button on the siren for three times quickly within 1.5 seconds. Then the LED light will flash for 5times with an interval of 500ms, which means that the siren has entered the inclusion mode and it iswaiting for the host to complete the configuration.

Exclusion of other devices

The primary controller can exclude devices from the Z-Wave network. During exclusion the relationship between the device and the network of this controller is terminated. No communication between the device and other devices still in the network can happen after a successful exclusion. The controller needs to be turned into the exclusion mode. Once in this exclusion mode the other device needs to confirm the exclusion - typically by pressing a button.

Attention: Removing a device from the network means that it is turned back into factory default status. This process can also exclude devices from it's previous network.

a) Ensure that the siren is powered up correctly.b) Set Z-Wave Gateway entered exclusion mode.c) Press the button on the siren for three times quickly within 1.5 seconds. Then the LED light will flash for 5times with an interval of 500ms, which means that the alarm has entered the exclusion mode and it iswaiting for the host to complete the configuration.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter 1: Setting of alarm sound

This parameter is to set the sound sent by the alarm when giving an alarm and users can choose five different sound sources through this setting.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1

Setting Description
1 - 5 The sounds indicated number

Parameter 2: Setting of alarm sound volume

Users can set through this parameter the sound volume sent when the alarm is activated, and there are 16 levels, with the adjustable scales being 0~15.0 is the minimum volume and 15 is the maximum volume.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 15

Setting Description
0 - 15 Volume for Siren Buzzer Alarm

Parameter 3: Alarm duration

This parameter can set the duration of the alarm function after activation. Unit of time is: seconds. Parameter description: 0- No alarm; 1 ~ 32766Alarm duration; 32767The alarm keeps sending alarm until the user shuts it down.
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 300

Setting Description
0 - 32767 second. Alarm duration tiem. (Second)

Parameter 4: Light alarm mode

This parameter can set whether to open different light flashing modes when the alarm is activated.1-Turn off the light when an alarm is sent; 2-The light flashes slowly when an alarm is sent; 3-The light flashes fast when an alarm is sent; 4-The light flashes in the breathing light mode when an alarm is sent.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 4

Setting Description
1 - 4 Led Pattern Number

Parameter 5: Switch Binary Report Disable

If the gateway supports Notification Command Class Version 6 and versions above, the Switch Binary Report function can be disable so as to reduce the data volume communicating with the gateway and thus improve the communication quality of the network.0 - disable; 1 - enable.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 - 1 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable

Parameter 6: Alarm Disable

This parameter can set the enabled and disabled of the alarm function.0Disable the alarm function (i.e., the siren will not play sound or turn on led light when the alarm is triggered); 1Enable the alarm function.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1

Setting Description
0 - 1 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable

Technical Data

Hardware Platform ZM5202
Device Type Siren
Network Operation Always On Slave
Firmware Version HW: 16 FW: 1.50
Z-Wave Version 6.51.09
Certification ID ZC10-17105814
Z-Wave Product Id 0x0331.0x0003.0x1DB1
Supported Notification Types Siren
Frequency XXfrequency
Maximum transmission power XXantenna
CEPT (Europe)Siren